Tissue & Cell Technologies

The ADIPOSET® System

T&CT has developed a process for storing human tissue that doesn’t resort to enzymatic or other processes that harm or alter the all-important tissue architecture, ensuring maximal viability and cell recovery.

Our tissue storage process is designed for ease of use and seamless integration into clinical practice, providing doctors and patients with a straightforward and reliable solution for serial fat transfers.

Our comprehensive service includes a proprietary transit box with all necessary paperwork, bags, and connectors, delivered to the clinic before the patient’s procedure, all at no additional cost.

Regenerys® XL

All-in-one solution for large volumes (BBL, breast reconstruction, etc.)

Regenerys mL®

All-in-one solution for smaller volumes (breast augmentation, facial fillers, etc.)


Bio insurance long term fat storage


In the operating room, fat aspirate from any of the most common liposuction techniques is simply decanted into the transit kit's enclosed bags, sealed, and returned to the waiting courier.
The transit box gets couriered back to a T&CT facility, where it is examined and tested.
The sample is filtered and processed by our experienced lab techs and prepared for cryo-storage.
It is then stored in labeled cryo-bags of appropriate volume and stored in our cryo-storage facility until required.
Doctors can view the stored samples and their test results through our secure online portal and schedule and place orders for tissue return on required dates.
The day before the required date, the ordered sample is retrieved, thawed, and returned by courier to the clinic. It is sealed in a transit box and ready for the doctor to perform the regraft.
No further actions or handling of the sample by the doctor are required to use it on the patient. However, in some instances and on surgeon's orders and where permitted, the sample can be modified or processed further (i.e., consistency and viscosity modifications, enhancements, cell expansion) before returning to the clinic.
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Development Pipelines & Future Sectors

We are partnering and collaborating with leaders and research groups worldwide who have promising long-term applications and therapeutics in regenerative medicine, cell-based therapies, and personalized medicine.

All major cell types, including muscle, heart, pancreas, hair, skin, cartilage, and more. We want our technology to help pave the way for full organ regeneration, organoids, and other rejuvenation therapies.


plastic surgery including reprioritize BBL, breast augmentation, injectables, and skin rejuvenation

Our technology offers a natural and safe solution for aesthetic procedures. The volumizing and self-healing properties of a patient’s own fat and stems cells are already well recognized in plastic surgery.

With significantly lower or no risk of complications, our technology ensures that no artificial compounds or toxins are introduced into the human body, providing a safe and natural solution for patients.


Breast reconstruction, reconstructive surgery, and similar applications

Fat has been used for over 30 years, and the benefits of storage for all stakeholders, particularly patients, are enormous and potentially life-changing.